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Finally Getting Back Together!

It's been a while since we posted last about our trip to Destin, Florida.  It seems like it was ages ago that we went. Lindsey and Brad ...

Monday, October 2, 2023

Finally Getting Back Together!

It's been a while since we posted last about our trip to Destin, Florida.  It seems like it was ages ago that we went.

Lindsey and Brad have been camping pretty regularly this year as their schedule allows.

  • NOVA Can Opener Rally - Alum Creek SP
  • Memorial Day - Jellystone Columbus
  • Father's Day - South Bass Island SP
  • Independance Day - Jellystone Whispering Hills
  • Brad's Birthday - Mt. Gilead SP
  • Back to School Trip - Jellystone Columbus
  • Labor Day - Lighthouse Point (Cedar Point Campground)
  • County Fair Week - Niagra Falls/Grand Island KOA 

2023 has been a crazy year for Susan and Erich and they haven't been able to get out and camp like they had hoped.  They are happy to have their Airstream as an alternative to uncomfortable hotel stays.  Even though this year hasn't been what they had imagined, they were still able to make it to New York a few times.

This fall we have finally been able to get back together to camp and we're making the most of every weekend.

We've stayed several weekends at the Sunbury KOA.  The campground is very quiet.  We enjoy the wooded area pull through sites!

We have several more camp trips planned for this fall!

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Columbus, OH to Destin, FL - Day 7

Thursday had come and I woke up with a pit in my stomach.  It might just be me, but I absolutely dread the last day of vacation...I worry about it the whole trip and feel so sad when it comes.  The anticipation, planning and build-up to the trip takes forever and then the trip is so fun that it seemingly goes by in a flash.  Now, this wasn't technically our last day of vacation, but it was the last full day in this beautiful place.  We had to make the absolute best of it!

Today was the day that we planned to spend every waking minute at the beach and that's exactly what we did.  The girls woke up before the sun and took our chairs to the beach to watch the sunrise.  There is something so peaceful and freeing watching the sun wake up while listening to the waves wash up on shore.  You should experience it during your lifetime if you haven't.

In the morning we saw a small sting ray near the beach and also dolphins playing offshore.  The dolphins were really close to shore initially, but they moved offshore as the morning went on.

The sand was so cold under our feet, but nothing was going to keep us from enjoying this morning. 

Once the sun was fully awake, we got the rest of our beach stuff and set up our location.  I like having tons of space to keep people away so we grabbed as much as we could by spreading our stuff out.

Erich went to get doughnuts from Parlor again and generously shared with us and joined us at the beach.

Today's weather was supposed to be perfect! Clear, warm, bright, and no rain...it was going to put all the other days to shame!  I can't even describe the blue and turquoise colors of the water.  It was stunning! I love the Gulf coast so much; it will always be my favorite.

Susan brought her Stand Up Paddleboard to the beach and floated on it in the surf.  This was one thing that she had said many times was on her wish list to do.  Luckily, today was the day she would get to do it! She looked so happy floating on it, she probably could have stayed out there all day.

We swam, flew kites, and soaked up all the rays we could.  The water was much warmer than the other days and it was incredibly clear.  You could see the bottom so clearly.  Did I mention that I love the Gulf!?!  Today, I wished I could hit the pause button and just stay in this moment for even a few minutes longer...

Susan and Erich went to lunch at Rockin' Tacos, and they said it was great!  Next time it's on our list for dinner!

We had some naps in the sun and under the umbrella, but we stayed all day! There was no way we were leaving until the sun had set!

The guys did eventually leave to go get pizzas for dinner and brought them back to the beach so we could watch the sun set and sink into the Gulf.  What an incredible day!

I honestly believe that God gave us the other days of cloudy, cold and foggy weather so that we could truly appreciate this one incredibly amazing day.  Do you ever go through your days on autopilot?  I do, and think that if we had had all perfect days, we may not have appreciated just how beautiful Destin, FL and the Gulf of Mexico is.  

#airstream #liveriveted #springbreak #adventure #camping #bffs #destinfl #destinwestrvresort #sunrisetosunset #sup #gulfofmexico #surfstyle #vacation

Columbus, OH to Destin, FL - Day 6

Overnight, there was a lot of wind, the flags we had on the front of our campers were whipping and rocking the campers, so we had to take them down to get some sleep.

I couldn't sleep much, so on Wednesday, I was up before the sun.  I headed to the bay to see if I could catch the sunrise; however, I was not prepared for how COLD it was!  It was 50-55 degrees with blustery wind and probably a wind chill.  I made it for the sunrise but as soon as it came up I bolted for the camper for more clothes.  The pictures don't even capture the temperature, but the sky was beautiful!

This was a bummer since the sky was incredible and clear for the first time!  

Since it was going to be even colder on the beach, I thought today would be a good day to pack a picnic and go to the Gulf Islands National Seashore near Pensacola, FL to visit Fort Pickens and get our National Park Passport stamps and also get Erich his first passport book.

I started mild Italian sausage and peppers in the crockpot for later and we were on our way.

It was about an hour drive there and we stopped to get a photo at the National Park Sign.  A nice couple on a motorcycle took our picture for us and we reciprocated.  It was luck that they pulled up just as we did and great to get a picture of all of us!  Look at that sky!!

We were on schedule to arrive on time but when we got about a half mile from the park toll booth, the traffic was STOPPED!  What could be going on!? 

Turns out...the Blue Angels were having their first practice of the season and the park was packed with people watching.  The gatekeepers...and I am serious about calling them that...told us to come back in an hour.  THAT was NOT going to happen after waiting all this time...

We got through the toll booth, it's $25 for a carload and good for 7 days, by the way, and went as far as we could get before the road was blocked.  We parked near the Battery Langdon, which was Fort Picken's most powerful gun emplacement during World War II, to watch the Blue Angels.

(Nothing says 'Merica more than the Blue Angels and their afterburners!)

We dipped our feet in the water and looked for some shells on the National Seashore.  We also saw a majestic Bald Eagle!  It was amazing to see!

We finally made it to Fort Pickens to get our NPS Passport stamp and took a look around the fort.  Erich got his first passport book and stamp! Mama Jackie was proud!

By then, our picnic lunch was calling!  We found a nice shelter on the shore where we could see the beach and ate our sandwiches and snacks.  It was frigid!!  There were some people flying kites and fishing!

We made our way back to the camper, but first we stopped at Ace Hardware, which is a favorite stop for the guys, and also Camping World!

Once we made it back, we spent the rest of the day at the beach before heading back to have sausage sandwiches and fried potatoes from last night on the Blackstone!  Maybe I'm the only one but I don't think there is any meal better than those we make while camping...including leftovers!!

(Susan, formerly afraid of kites, flying one like a pro!!)

Fingers crossed for warm and sunny weather for Thursday!!

#airstream #liveriveted #springbreak #adventure #camping #bffs #destinfl #destinwestrvresort #gulfshoresnationalseashore #fortpickens #NPS #baldeagle #blueangels #american #redwhiteandblue #merica #goflyakite